Doors and Windows

Care Tip
• Keep the channel of sliding doors and metal thresholds
clean for ease of operation and drainage of rainwater.
• Apply silicone or bee wax to the tracks of bi-pass and bi-fold
closet doors to make them operate more efficiently.
• Do not use oil (WD 40) on sliding door tracks as this will
cause damage to the track and wheel assembly.
• Maintain weather stripping, door (bug) sweeps and
threshold adjustments to avoid drafts and water intrusion.
• We do not recommend installing any kind of rack on doors.
• When cleaning your windows, please refrain from using
sharp objects such as razor blades or scrapers and use a
generous amount of window cleaner to lubricate the surface
and decrease the likelihood of scratches.
Condensation occurs wherever warm, moist air comes into
contact with colder surfaces such as windows, basement walls or
exposed pipes. There is more condensation in homes today
because they are built tighter, insulated better and have improved
doors and windows that virtually eliminate drafts and other air
exchanges in the home. Be sure to promptly remove any excess
water from sills.

Care Tips
• Use exhaust fans in bathrooms to lessen humidity. These
fans need to be kept clean for maximum performance.
• If your home is equipped with a humidifier, make sure it is
adjusted properly.
• Make sure the clothes dryer is properly connected to the
exterior vent and maintained in a clean, clear and
unobstructed manner. The connection and the duct will
need to be cleaned periodically.